Дебевойз энд Плимптон, Международная юридическая фирма
Дебевойз энд Плимптон
Страна: Адрес: ул. Воздвиженка, 4/7, стр. 2 Телефон: 7 (495) 956-3858, 926-5555 Сайт: www.debevoise.com
Об организации
«Дебевойз энд Плимптон ЛЛП» является международной юридической фирмой, предоставляющей широкий круг юридических услуг высочайшего качества как индивидуальным, так и корпоративным клиентам. Основанная в 1931 г., фирма в настоящее время насчитывает в своем составе более 750 юристов и имеет офисы в Нью-Йорке, Вашингтоне (округ Колумбия), Париже, Лондоне, Франкфурте, Москве, Гонконге и Шанхае. Фирма готова эффективно обслуживать своих клиентов в любом из трех главных экономических регионов мира - Северной и Южной Америке, Европе и Азии.
Наша практика включает в себя предоставление клиентам юридических услуг в области общего корпоративного права, корпоративного и проектного финансирования, сделок с ценными бумагами, авиационного лизинга, слияний и приобретений, антимонопольного законодательства, создания частных инвестиционных фондов, страхования, ведения судебных и международных арбитражных процессов, трастового права, сделок, связанных с недвижимым имуществом, недропользования, налогов и в других областях.
Мы представляем интересы инвесторов, работающих в различных отраслях экономики, однако традиционно наша практика сильна в таких областях, как топливно-энергетический комплекс, телекоммуникации, авиация, металлургический комплекс, горнодобывающая промышленность, транспортная инфраструктура и финансовый сектор.
Наш московский офис представляет интересы клиентов и ведет деятельность фирмы в данном регионе, тесно сотрудничая с юристами из офисов в США и Западной Европе, которые имеют значительный опыт работы над проектами в России и СНГ, что позволяет нашим клиентам наиболее эффективно использовать возможности фирмы по всему миру.
С момента образования в 1988 г., наша практика, связанная с Россией и другими странами бывшего Советского Союза, неизменно развивается и включает в себя представление интересов многочисленных американских, европейских, азиатских и российских компаний в сделках и проектах в России, иных странах СНГ и за пределами СНГ.
Среди клиентов нашей фирмы ведущие западные и российские компании, такие как ACE European Group, Аэрофлот – Российские авиалинии, American International Group (AIG), Альфа Банк, Alfa Private Equity Limited, Альфа Телеком, Банк Москвы, Baring Vostok Capital Partners, Capital Group, ChevronTexaco, Honeywell, LaFarge, JCDecaux, Группа компаний Челябинского трубопрокатного завода, группа компаний Челябинского цинкового завода, DaimlerChrysler Corporation, Deutsche Telekom AG, ExxonMobil, РАО «ЕЭС России», Государственный космический научно-производственный центр им. М.В.Хруничева, Mitsui & Co, Нижнекамскнефтехим, Группа компаний Новолипецкого металлургического комбината, Schlumberger, Norsk Hydro ASA, StatoilHydro ASA, NYMEX, Норильский никель, Philip Morris, Золотодобывающая компания Полюс, Ростелеком, Корпорация Иркут, Interpipe, Интеко, Интеррос, Schneider Electric, Soros Fund Management LLC, Siemens AG, Сургутнефтегаз, Гражданские самолеты Сухого, Yara International ASA, United Financial Group (UFG/ОФГ), ОГК-2, ОГК-3, ОГК-6, ТГК-7, Группа компаний «Морские и нефтегазовые проекты», включая Завод «Красное Сормово» и Волгоградский судостроительный завод.
Корпоративное, коммерческое право, M&A
We represent public and private companies and their directors and officers in connection with all aspects of corporate governance, from corporate compliance to D&O insurance and indemnification to management of corporate crises. Lawyers from all of our practice groups work together on:
Compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Other U.S. and Non-U.S. Governmental and Self-Regulator Organization Requirements
We assist clients with issues arising under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and related rules and regulations, including director and auditor independence, board committee composition and responsibilities, disclosure controls, loans to insiders, document retention, whistleblowing policies, CEO and CFO certifications of SEC reports and corporate governance guidelines and codes of ethics. We also regularly counsel clients regarding rules and regulations of the SEC, NYSE, Nasdaq, AMEX and other US and non-US governmental entities and self-regulatory bodies, as well as in connection with shareholder proposals and concerns of institutional investors and shareholder advisory services.
Disclosure Matters
As part of our ongoing representation of public companies, we regularly advise clients on all aspects of disclosure and reporting, including SEC annual and quarterly reports, enhanced Form 8-K disclosure requirements, proxy statements and shareholder proposals, securities law aspects of employee benefit plans, Regulation FD and insider trading restrictions.
Counseling Boards, Independent Directors and Standing and Special Board Committees
Advising boards regarding their fiduciary duties is an important part of our M&A and securities practices. We frequently represent independent directors and special committees in connection with M&A and related party transactions.
D&O Insurance and Indemnification
Recent events have heightened directors’ sensitivity not only to their duties but also to their exposure to risk and the need to ensure that they have proper protections in place. Design of insurance and indemnification programs can no longer be left solely to insurance brokers or based on boilerplate forms. Particular issues arise for multinational corporations (because of the different laws in foreign jurisdictions regarding director liability), for private equity firms (because of the complicated interrelationship of funds and portfolio companies) and in connection with change of control transactions. We have significant experience in this area, with lawyers qualified under both US and English law, the laws of choice for D&O insurance policies.
Crisis Management
We regularly are called upon to advise corporations, boards and board committees caught in highly public legal crises. We have substantial experience assisting clients in managing complex parallel proceedings in which public prosecutors, regulators, legislators, private plaintiffs, auditors, lenders, insurers and the media all converge simultaneously on a troubled company or industry.
Internal Investigations
Even before parallel proceedings arise or become public, our experience in complex matters and our skills in managing corporate crises permit us to conduct highly effective internal investigations, including investigations on behalf of audit committees and special committees. A particular asset to our internal investigations practice is Michael B. Mukasey, who has served as Attorney General of the United States and Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. We also have extensive experience conducting investigations following receipt of notice from auditors pursuant to Section 10A of the Securities Exchange Act.
White Collar Criminal Defense
We are recognized leaders in white collar criminal defense. Mary Jo White, who leads our white collar practice and our litigation group generally, is a former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York. There are few major corporate criminal prosecutions in which our white collar lawyers are not involved in a significant way.
SEC and Other Regulatory Enforcement Proceedings
We are actively involved in proceedings before the SEC, the stock exchanges and other governmental and self-regulatory bodies. We have particular experience in complex accounting issues, including in areas as diverse as reporting of oil and gas reserves, accounting for complex derivatives and other financial products, accounting for telecommunications capacity exchanges and revenue recognition for software suppliers.
Class Actions and Derivative Litigation
The fallout from corporate crises inevitably attracts scrutiny from private investors. We have broad and deep experience in this area as well, handling securities class action litigations, ERISA litigation brought against corporate plans that allow investments in company stock and derivative litigation arising under Delaware or other law. In addition to our New York and Washington lawyers, we have US and locally qualified lawyers with corporate governance experience in each of our international offices.
Debevoise’s mergers and acquisitions lawyers consistently lead transactions for some of the world’s most prominent corporations, financial services institutions and private equity firms. We have particularly strong experience with complex leveraged acquisitions and cross-border transactions across a wide range of industries. Several of the firm’s M&A partners also regularly represent financial advisors. In 2011, we worked on more than 100 announced or completed M&A deals with a total transaction value of approximately $200 billion.
Debevoise clients receive the hands-on, personal attention of sophisticated M&A partners and ready access to the specialists required to deliver legal services efficiently. Our M&A partners have broad experience in public and private M&A alike and specialize in complex, multifaceted transactions. These elements — intense partner focus, a blend of practice breadth, specialization and teamwork, and a rigorous dedication to quality — define the way we handle M&A assignments.
We have more than 30 partners who focus primarily on M&A work (20 in the New York office), supported by approximately 100 counsel and associates. Our M&A lawyers have outstanding support in core related areas such as finance, tax, antitrust, intellectual property, real estate, benefits, environmental law and litigation risk management. The firm’s international presence — with offices in New York, Washington D.C., London, Frankfurt, Paris, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Moscow — gives Debevoise exceptional cross-border capabilities, as well as local law capacity in key markets.
Суды, арбитраж, разрешение споров, медиация
«Дебевойз энд Плимптон ЛЛП» имеет одну из самых разносторонних и обширных практик в области судебных споров в США. Наши адвокаты, работающие в Нью-Йорке, Вашингтоне, Лондоне, Париже и Франкфурте, смогли добиться выдающихся результатов по делам, имеющих национальное и международное значение. За последние два года адвокаты фирмы «Дебевойз энд Плимптон ЛЛП» осуществляли процессуальное представительство интересов 850 клиентов.
Наш отдел судебных разбирательств возглавляют высокопрофессиональные и выдающиеся юристы. Одел занимается целым рядом сложных дел в судах США, Великобритании, Франции и в других страна, а также в агентствах, административных органах и арбитражных судах во всем мире. Отдел возглавляют Мери Джо Уайт, бывший прокурор Федерального окружного суда Южного округа штата Нью-Йорк; Джон Кирнан, сопредседатель отдела; Майкл Мукасей, бывший министр юстиции и генеральный прокурор США и председательствующий судья Федерального окружного суда Южного округа штата Нью-Йорк; Лорд Питер Голдсмит, бывший генеральный прокурор Великобритании, возглавляющий европейский отдел судебных разбирательств; 10 бывших заместителей прокуроров США, в том числе бывший заместитель министра финансов США по вопросам правоприменения, бывший главный заместитель прокурора США в южном и восточном округах Нью-Йорка, а также бывший помощник директора управления правоприменения Комиссии по ценным бумагам и биржевым операциям. «Дебевойз энд Плимптон ЛЛП» является единственной юридической фирмой, в которой ведут свою профессиональную деятельность бывшие генеральные прокуроры США и Великобритании, а также два королевских советника Великобритании.
Мы предоставляем клиентов как в качестве истца так и в качестве ответчика, по самому широкому спектру дел, включая хозяйственные споры, дела по должностным преступлениям, иски по ценным бумагами и производные иски, по нарушению правил сделок с ценными бумагами, дела, связанные с гражданской ответственностью производителя, разрешением международных споров, в сфере интеллектуальной собственности и средств массовой информации, антимонопольного, страхового законодательства, дел, связанных с выплатой страхового покрытия, банкротством, иски по нарушению природоохранного законодательства, иски, связанные со сделками по слиянию и поглощению предприятий, трудовые и налоговые споры, иски по привлечению к ответственности в связи с профессиональной деятельностью.
Финансы, банковское право
Our Financial Institutions Group is ranked in The American Lawyer, Chambers USA, Chambers UK, IFLR and SNL Financialand other sources as a leading practice for the financial services industry in the Americas, Europe and Asia.The strength of our practice lies in our deep knowledge of the financial services industry and long experience counseling financial services clients on complex banking, insurance, securities broker-dealer and investment management matters. The Financial Institutions Group provides clients with seamlessly integrated legal counsel across the financial services industry and includes members of many of the firm’s practice groups, such as M&A, capital markets, private equity, hedge funds, project finance, tax, ERISA and litigation, to provide our clients with sophisticated multi-disciplinary representation.
We counsel banks, thrifts, deposit-takers, trusts, insurance and reinsurance firms, asset managers, private and listed funds, brokers, intermediaries and other financial institutions. Our corporate lawyers have significant experience in the establishment and authorization of regulated financial institutions and have represented clients on a broad range of transactional and regulatory compliance issues. Our litigators handle a broad range of complex matters in courts in the United States, United Kingdom, France and elsewhere, as well as before agencies, administrative bodies and arbitration tribunals worldwide.
The Financial Institutions lawyers work across the firm’s eight offices in the United States, Europe and Asia to deliver comprehensive, multi-jurisdictional legal service. Our streamlined approach enables us to advise companies operating at an international level on their cross-border matters.
We have been counseling clients on many aspects of financial services reform, including with respect to the Dodd-Frank Act. Many of our lawyers have previously worked in senior capacities within financial sector regulatory bodies, including the Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Reserve Board, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., US Treasury and the UK Financial Services Authority. Some of our lawyers have worked as in-house counsel for financial institutions, and our litigators include former US and UK Attorneys General and many former US prosecutors. This combined experience provides the Financial Institutions Group with practical knowledge of the regulatory environment and an understanding of how we can serve our clients best.
Земля, недвижимость и строительство
В Дебевойз работает большая группа юристов, специализирующихся в области недвижимости, которая обеспечивает заключение комплексных и сложных сделок по приобретению собственности и инвестициям в недвижимость. Мы предлагаем целый комплекс услуг и возможность творческого подхода к решению проблем, возникающих при заключении новаторских и сложных сделок. Такой масштабный опыт обеспечивает глубокое понимание законодательства в области недвижимости, практики и обычаев, принятых в Соединенных Штатах Америки. Наши клиенты приобретают, продают, финансируют, сдают в аренду и застраивают объекты недвижимости всех типов и категорий. Наша группа юристов, специализирующихся в области недвижимости, консультирует американские и международные компании по следующим вопросам:
/www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Новаторские методы финансирования для кредиторов и заемщиков, как, например, кредиты с правом участия в прибыли, конвертируемые кредиты, мезонинное финансирование, кредитование под смешанное имущество, принадлежащее на праве собственности и праве аренды, секьюритизация ипотечных займов и финансирование путем выпуска облигаций, обеспеченных недвижимостью. /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Приобретения, включая офисные здания, торговые центры, апартаменты и иную жилую недвижимость и отели, а также приобретения производственных предприятий. /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Создание ипотечных инвестиционных трастов и совместных предприятий с участием инвестиционных банков, фондов инвестиций в акции частных компаний, фондов хеджирования и пенсионных фондов. /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Финансовое оздоровление, реструктуризация и обращение взыскания. /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Многоступенчатые сделки по продаже с последующей арендой и арендой промышленных площадей.
Мы представляем интересы корпораций, инвестиционных консультантов, индивидуальных предпринимателей и финансовых консультантов, желающих оптимизировать ценность принадлежащей им недвижимости. Мы также оказывали содействие многим нашим клиентам при создании фондов недвижимости, используя при этом опыт нашей фирмы в этой области.
Сложность поставленных перед нами задач часто требует участия в сделках юристов нашей фирмы, специализирующихся в области корпоративного, налогового права, законодательства о пенсионном обеспечении и банкротстве, трастового и наследственного права, а также в области разрешения споров. Наш сбалансированный, междисциплинарный подход обеспечивает нашим разнообразным клиентам успех на постоянно и динамично развивающемся рынке недвижимости.
Природные ресурсы, энергетика
Environmental practice
Our environmental practice is an intrinsic part of the firm’s corporate department where lawyers advise on mergers and acquisitions, securities offerings, financings and other corporate matters. Debevoise lawyers actively represent private equity firms, industrial companies and other businesses in a wide range of transactions. We have also recently represented industry leaders, including those in the mining, paper and energy sectors, in domestic and international transactions.
Our practice brings together lawyers who focus on environmental law and have significant experience with corporate matters. Chambers USA (2009) describes department head Stuart Hammer as “ensur[ing] that transactions are concluded swiftly and efficiently” and “see[ing] enough deals to know what will work in the market.” PLC Cross-border Environment Handbook 2008/09 also recognizes Mr. Hammer as a leading practitioner in environmental law.
Debevoise is well-known for work in complex, cross-border transactions, which demand substantial coordination and oversight, ensuring successful outcomes for our clients. We counsel clients on how to effectively mitigate environmental risks and manage environmental liabilities associated with their transactions. Our close relationships with the major international environmental consulting firms assist in providing comprehensive and efficient due diligence.
We advise clients on issues associated with climate change, including in connection with renewable and traditional energy projects, laws regulating greenhouse gas emissions and disclosure matters.
Our environmental group collaborates with our litigators. Debevoise has represented corporations in actions brought by the U.S. government and private parties under CERCLA (Superfund) and other environmental laws. We advise clients as to their most effective choices in addressing environmental issues and, when appropriate, we work with regulatory authorities to resolve matters.
Energy practice
Debevoise is recognized for its work in the energy sector, with a breadth of experience in power and oil and gas development and transport. Our experience spans multiple firm disciplines—mergers and acquisitions, project finance, workout/bankruptcy, tax, antitrust and regulatory—and has drawn on our substantial capacity in New York, Washington, D.C., Western Europe, Russia and Asia.
In the power industry, we regularly represent developers, public and private utilities, independent power producers, equity investors, monoline insurers and lenders in M&A transactions, project financings and restructurings. Facilities involved have included conventional base-load power plants, peaking units, cogeneration, refuse-to-energy, wind-powered and hydroelectric and transmission projects.
Debevoise’s lawyers advise some of the world’s most prominent players in the oil and gas sector on a broad range of complex transactional projects, including oil & gas exploration and production projects, off-take and marketing arrangements, investments and financings of refineries, pipeline acquisitions and project financings of other petrochemical facilities.
Debevoise has long been active in the mining industry both in and outside of the U.S. We have handled a wide spectrum of transactions in this industry, including project financings, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and securities offerings, several of which have involved greenfield investments. We have the experience and capacity to work on all aspects of the most demanding mining projects across the globe.
Debevoise clients receive the hands-on, personal attention of partners that consistently lead transactions for some of the major players in the sector. The firm’s international presence – with offices in New York, Washington, D.C., London, Frankfurt, Paris, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Moscow – gives Debevoise exceptional cross-border and local capability in principal markets.
Рынки капиталов
The hedge fund group at Debevoise is an integral part of our Investment Management Practice.
We represent sponsors of numerous hedge funds active in a wide range of different strategies, including distressed debt, equity long-short, global macro and multi-strategy, fixed income, emerging markets and various arbitrage strategies. Because Debevoise is a large international law firm with approximately 650 lawyers practicing in major financial centers, our hedge fund lawyers are able to provide the specialized capabilities of a boutique practice while drawing upon the experience and resources of lawyers in our regulatory, fund formation, tax, employee benefits, structured products and finance groups to assist in solving complex, and often international, issues surrounding hedge fund work.
Our derivatives and structured finance group also has lawyers with hedge fund experience who structure and negotiate trading agreements (ISDA and other master agreements) and complex fund-linked products for various funds of funds and financial institutions. Such products include fund-linked insurance products (COLIs and BOLIs), principal-protected products and other leveraged products (principal-protected notes, call options, leveraged certificates, repurchase agreements and forward sale agreements).
Our hedge fund clients have used a variety of domestic and offshore structures, including:
/www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Single stand-alone vehicles /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Master-feeder vehicles /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Parallel and feeder vehicles for friends, families and employees /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Funds of hedge funds with strategy specific parallel vehicles or share classes /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Registered funds of hedge funds /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Complex hybrid hedge-private equity funds /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Joint venture arrangements between fund sponsors in connection with hedge funds and fund of hedge fund offerings
Налоговое право, таможня, ВЭД
Практика "Налоговое право, таможня, ВЭД"
Интеллектуальная собственность Антимонопольное право, банкротство
Debevoise frequently plays a leading role in high-profile out-of-court restructurings, strategic transactions involving troubled businesses, chapter 11 cases and cross-border insolvencies.We advise companies, creditors, sponsors, boards of directors, acquirors and other parties in interest in complex distressed situations. Our lawyers are widely recognized by our clients and peers for providing business-oriented and sophisticated advice on the myriad of legal issues triggered by financial distress.
Our Business Restructuring & Workouts Group draws on the extensive and diverse resources of a major international law firm—which includes top-ranked practices in finance, mergers and acquisitions, tax, litigation, internal investigations, financial institutions, executive compensation and real estate—to develop practical, comprehensive and innovative solutions to restructuring problems.
Highlights of our recent public representations include:
/www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Chemtura Corporation in its successful multi-billion dollar chapter 11 restructuring of complex funded debt issues as well as contentious mass tort and environmental claims asserted in amounts well over $2 billion. /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> American Airlines, as special aircraft financing counsel, in its pending New York-based chapter 11 case involving the restructuring of complex financing and purchase arrangements relating to over 1000 aircraft. /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Culligan Corporation and its operating affiliates in the U.S., Canada, UK, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain and Italy, in their successful out-of-court restructuring of more than $600 million in funded debt in advance of approaching maturities. /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Ripplewood, as holder of Hostess Brands’ equity and $130 million in secured debt, in Hostess Brands" chapter 11 cases pending in the Southern District of New York, which were commenced in an effort to restructure more than $800 million in secured debt as well as significant pension liabilities. /www.debevoise.com/FCWSite/img/bullet2.gif);"> Investment funds managed by global investment firms Oaktree Capital Management, Avenue Capital Group, The Anschutz Corporation and Starwood Capital Group in their widely-publicized purchase of the assets of Sea Island Company for more than $200 million pursuant to a chapter 11 plan.
Пресс-релизы22.04.2013 Компания «Дебевойз энд Плимптон» – юридический консультант компании «Шнейдер Электр ... »»
21.02.2013 Юридическая фирма «Дебевойз энд Плимптон ЛЛП» провела совместный семинар с Высшим А ... »»
14.03.2012 Фирма «Дебевойз энд Плимптон ЛЛП» признана лидером рейтинга юридических M&A-консуль ... »»
03.10.2011 Стивен Козенс, ведущий юрист в области энергетики и инфраструктурных проектов, прис ... »»
30.06.2011 Назначен новый партнёр фирмы «Дебевойз энд Плимптон ЛЛП» »»
Все Пресс-релизы »»Суды и сделки04.03.2013 Фирма «Дебевойз» консультирует компанию «Polyus Gold International Limited» при про ... »»
14.12.2012 Фирма «Дебевойз» выступила в качестве юридического консультанта при продаже контрол ... »»
11.12.2012 Фирма «Дебевойз» выступила в качестве юридического консультанта компании «Интеррос» ... »»
12.11.2012 Фирма «Дебевойз» выступила в качестве юридического консультанта в рамках успешного ... »»
06.09.2012 Фирма «Дебевойз энд Плимптон ЛЛП» выступила юридическим консультантом Сбербанка Рос ... »»
Все "Суды и сделки" »»
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