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Freshfields advises Redwood Group on largest single Moscow distribution sector real estate deal


24.09.2007Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer has advised The Redwood Group, the global real estate investment and advisory firm, on the acquisition of an industrial real estate portfolio in Moscow by a joint venture consortium consisting of the Redwood Group, Deutsche Bank and AIG Global Real Estate from Capital Partners, a Moscow based private property company.

The Redwood Group will provide asset and development management services to the joint venture. The portfolio includes more than one million square meters of prime real estate and is believed to be the largest single industrial real estate transaction in Moscow to date.

The Freshfields team was led by real estate senior associate Alexander Watt in London and included partners Jeffrey Rubinoff (finance, London), David Lewis (real estate, London) and associates Dan Cooke and Victoria Modina (both corporate, Moscow).

For further information please contact:
Joann Scott, PR manager
T +44 207 785 2918



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