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International Business Transactions (Международные коммерческие сделки). Курс повышения квалификации в Pericles на английском языке


26.06 - 21.07.2017. Тип программы: Юридический курс на английском языке. Формат программы: Вечерний, занятия по пн., ср. и пт. с 19:00-22:00

23.06.2017Pericles Center for International Legal Education,

26.06 - 21.07.2017; Moscow, Western legal education. 

International Business Transactions

(Международные коммерческие сделки)

Организатор: Pericles Center for International Legal Education


Тип программы: Юридический курс на английском языке

Формат программы: Вечерний, занятия по пн., ср. и пт. с 19:00-22:00

Курс ведет: Проф. Роджер Хайэт (Roger Hiatt)

Introduction, Methodology and Goal of the Course:

 Many people are confused by what an International Business Transactions course covers.  Simply put, it covers the issues that lawyers must consider when advising on transactions that cross borders. 

This is a 3 credit course in the Pericles LL.M. program. It meets for 36 clock hours. Students who are not in the Pericles LL.M. program may attend provided they have sufficient knowledge of English and sufficient legal background.

Students completing this course will become familiar with:

·         International Commerce and Lex Mercatoria

·         the Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods;

·         Clauses of International Comercial Contracts (force majeure, liquidated damages, applicable law, jurisdiction, international arbitration)

·         INCOTERMS and the basics of documentary trade, the UCP for documentary trade;

·         regimes of customs, tariffs, import and export control;

·         the GATT, WTO and regional trading blocs, including non-tariff barriers on trade such as sanitary measures, local tax regimes and incentives;

·         political issues affecting foreign trade, especially political issues affecting foreign trade, especially economic sanctions and anti-corruption measures;

·         financing and insurance in international law;

·         non-establishment forms of investment such as agency and distributor agreements, technology licensing agreements, manufacturing agreements, and franchises;

·         foreign direct investment issues, including political risk, OPIC, nationalization and expropriation, and environmental and labor issues of FDI;

·         tax considerations in foreign trade and investment, such as transfer pricing risks; and,

·         international dispute resolution through litigation and alternatives, gathering of evidence abroad, and enforcement of foreign judgments.

Стоимость курса: 79700 рублей (виз лица), 87960 рублей (юр.лица)


Более детально описание курса на английском:  здесь


Кроме этого курса, также выбирают:

·         Legal English (Юридический Английский)

·         Intro to American Law (Введение в американское право)

·         Юридическое письмо (Legal Writing I)


Он-лайн регистрация здесь

Место проведения: АНО «Перикл»

г. Москва, 1-я Миусская д.22, стр. 3 (ст. м. "Новослободская", «Менделеевская»).Схема проезда

Телефон:+7 (495) 649-22-73







Прочитавших: 4149

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