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Antitrust (Competition) Law. Course, taught by Professors Torsten Syrbe & Eugene Lipkowitz, starts on 22th September


The course introduces students to regulatory approach in Europe, Russia and USA towards fostering competition in the marketplace.

17.08.2020Pericles Center for International Legal Education,

This unique course, taught mostly online, is split between Clifford Chance Moscow Partner Torsten Syrbe discussing competition law in Europe and Russia, and Stevens & Lee Of Counsel, Eugene Lipkowitz, introducing the concepts of competition law and discussing the antitrust law of the United States.  The course introduces students to each jurisdiction’s regulatory approach towards fostering competition in the marketplace.

Mr. Syrbe’s portion of the course is designed to provide you with a strong foundation in the European and Russian regulatory frameworks as well as an understanding of the practical aspects of antitrust practice. The class will discuss interesting cases involving mergers, cartels, price fixing, monopolization, predatory pricing, as well as the difficulties associated with defining a "market" in the context of an antitrust case.

Mr. Lipkowitz’s portion of the course will allow you to compare the European and Russian approach you are learning from Mr. Syrbe with U.S. antitrust law, to be aware of the many similarities as well as some of the differences. The material and discussions will examine key cases and emerging issues in sectors such as health care and pharmaceuticals, and ongoing investigations involving big tech companies such as Alphabet and Amazon.  International firms and their representatives who do business in the United States are subject to both the criminal and civil sanctions of  U.S. antitrust law. For example, representatives of international firms found guilty of price fixing have been sentenced to jail terms in the U.S. while their companies have paid fines in the many millions of dollars and also have been subjected to private antitrust actions by customers seeking to recover treble damages for price fixing overcharges.

Because economics is central to the theory of competition law, you should expect to study a bit of economic theory. No prior knowledge of economics is assumed, however.

Any required books will be announced prior to the start of the course.  Additional handouts will be placed on the course Moodle.
Attendance and Preparedness
Attendance at seminar meetings is very important especially since part of your grade will depend upon your performance in class. In the event you cannot attend or will be late for class, you will be able to watch the course recordings, but this is not designed to be an asynchronous course and you are expected to be online at the designated time to participate.  You may not miss more than three classes.  The professors have the discretion to lower your grade or assign additional work if you miss more than that.  Under no circumstances can you miss more than half the classes and still pass.

Grading criteria and a more detailed syllabus and description of assignments will be made available prior to the start of the course.


Details >>




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