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Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts for Lawyers. Course, taught by Professor Sergey Budylin, starts on 23th September 2020


Технологии блокчейн и умные договоры для юристов

17.09.2020Pericles Center for International Legal Education,

This course is a hands-on experience in understanding and drafting smart contracts.  By the end of the course you will

  • master the theory and vocabulary behind blockchain and smart contracting,
  • have gained insights into the future of the medium and how the legal world will treat smart contracts, and
  • be able to draft your own basic smart contract. 

The course will take place partly online and partly in flex format when you can attend online or in person at Pericles as you prefer.

No prior programming or technical experience is needed beyond access to a computer that connects to the internet and the ability to use Zoom and to install programs. 

Course format: Prior to the first class, students will be formed into study groups mixing tech savvy and less tech savvy individuals.   Lectures will alternate between 2 1/2 to 3 hour online, hands-on sessions in odd numbered classes and 2 hour flex format legal/theory sessions.  Online lectures will explain the technical and theoretical aspects of that week’s topics.  Students will then be divided into breakout groups to download the appropriate software and find answers to the professor’s assignments.  To the extent that students don’t finish their work by the time the end of the class is scheduled, students can stay online, can continue for homework individually or schedule further group meetings to finish, depending on their group’s preferences.  In the next class students will meet in person or online as desired, to review the homework and discuss class readings about the legal aspects of smart contracts.  Then the 3rd class will go back to online format and study groups, and so on. 

Although up to 24 clock hours are scheduled, it’s not anticipated that 24 hours of in-class lecture will be needed.  Some of the anticipated time is for group exercises.


Classes 1: Blockchain basics.  Creating your own Etherium wallet and making free test ether exchanges
Class 2: Discuss the results of your exercises and troubleshoot if needed.   Discuss emerging regulation of crypto currency around the world. 

Class 3: Smart Contracting Basics.  Using the Etherium virtual machine and becoming familiar with the various types of assembly languages.  Finding Solidity and Lexon samples the professor has created, running the contracts and exploring the results.
Class 4: Discuss the results of your exercises and troubleshoot if needed.   Discuss the present and future state of smart and semi-automated contracts.

Class 5: Solidity Basics.  Learning Solidity and modifying and testing a simple contract.
Class 6: Discuss the results of your exercises and troubleshoot if needed.   Continue to discuss the present and future state of smart and semi-automated contracts.

Class 7: Lexon Basics.  Test and modify the Lexon paid escrow contract.
Class 8 Discuss the results of your exercises and troubleshoot if needed.   Discuss the future of lawyering and the future of dispute resolution for smart contracts. 

Class 9: Etherium tokens.  Get acquainted with token contracts, deploy and make test transfers.
Class 10: Discuss the results of your exercises and troubleshoot if needed.   Wrap up any discussions and evaluate the course. (1 hour)

Exam:  Online, during or prior to the regular exam period. 


Details :




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