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Юридический английский язык (Legal English) Курс 9.11 - 30.12.2021


25.10.2021Pericles Center for International Legal Education,

Длительность курса

16 недель (48 часов)



Занятия два раза в неделю по вт и чт с 19.00-22.00



онлайн и очное.



Richard DuVal

Obtained Juris Doctor from California Western School of Law.




Стоимость курса

60000 рублей. для физ. лиц,

69000 рублей для юр.лиц. 



The course is designed to enhance professionals' English speaking and writing capacities, with a specific focus on Anglo-Saxon legal terminology and principles. Concentrating on business law terminology, this course will assist practicing lawyers, advanced law students, legal translators and paralegals to become comfortable in working with English "legalese."

Those students successfully completing the course will receive a Pericles Certificate of Completion.



Legal English is designed for students whose English is at the high intermediate to advanced levels. Those who need practice in basic comprehension should first take the course 'Approaching Legal English'.

To assess your Legal English level, you can take the Legal-English-Test by creating a Student account and clicking 'Login to Moodle'>'Proceed to Moodle'> Enroll me' 

If you need help with the test, please call 8 (495) 649-22-73.


Course Length:

16 Weeks, depending on the group. 60 in-class academic hours (48 clock hours). Please check the courses schedule.



The cost of the course includes the specially authored course book and exclusive access to supplemental online materials, including videos and excerpts from legal films and documentaries.

The course has two sessions per week for two to three hours each (depending on the group). Through the examination of key business law themes, sessions provide an interactive learning style to enhance students' reading comprehension, speaking skills, and legal vocabulary.


Subjects to be Covered:

Sources of Law, Trial Process, Torts and Crimes, Contract Law, Property, Secured Transactions, Commercial Paper, Business Organizations Law.

Students will learn to put the language of these subjects into practice through class exercises, negotiations and dispute resolutions scenarios.


Details >>




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